윈도우 10, 빌드 14367 버전이 배포되었습니다...ㅎㅎ
빌드 366이 나온지 2일만이군요. 무심코 업데이트를 눌렀더니... 14367 빌드가.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
1. 빌드 14367로 업데이트하는 방법
시작 → 설정 → Windows 업데이트 → 업데이트 확인(업데이트 안뜸ㅠ)
→ Windows 참가자 프로그램 → 수정 → MS 계정으로 로그인 → 참가자 수준 선택 → 초기
→ Windows 업데이트 → 업데이트 확인 → 3~8시간 후에 업데이트 뜸(바로 안뜸ㅠ)
2. 한글판
1) ISO 파일
2) ESD & ISO 파일 (바이두)
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1O76Po (페이지가 안보이면 새로고침(F5키)해주면 됩니다..)
3. 영문판
1) ISO 파일
2) ESD 파일
4. ESD 파일을 클린설치용 ISO 파일로 변환하는 방법
decrypt-release.7z 파일의 압축을 풀어줍니다.
2) 다운받은 esd 파일을 압축을 푼 폴더(F:\F:\decrypt-release)에 넣어줍니다. (esd 파일은 1개씩만 넣어주세요)
3) decrypt-dism++.exe 파일을 실행하고 1을 입력하면 ISO 파일이 만들어집니다.
6. 언어팩
7. 개선 및 해결된 문제들
[개선 사항]
[해결된 문제들]
Cross-device notifications from your phone to your PC via Cortana are now more reliable and faster. You can also use quick replies from your PC for notifications that support that feature (there is a known issue in which this will only work if your phone’s screen is turned on – we’ll be fixing this!). Additionally, notifications from your phone to your PC will appear under its own Windows Phone group in Action Center – with a fancy new logo to boot!
We fixed an issue where the emoji in cross-device notifications would appear as boxes. We also fixed an issue where certain emoji would appear as square boxes in some apps like Notepad.
We have fixed the issue with the Desktop App Converter Preview (Project Centennial) however you will need to download the updated version here http://aka.ms/converter.
Fixed an issue resulting in the dialog when joining the PC to an Azure AD potentially being unexpectedly large on certain devices
Quick Actions in Action Center that turn on and off different functionality in your device, like Bluetooth on your phone or Tablet Mode on your PC, now have a transient On/Off text indicator so you can clearly see the state change for these. We fixed an issue where the WIN + A keyboard shortcut to launch Action Center wouldn’t work if Action Center icon had been turned off. We also fixed an issue where certain notifications could result in the Action Center not launching until that toast had been cleared.
We fixed an issue where Cortana wasn’t showing relevant system settings results for certain terms, in particular “typo” or “connect”.
We fixed an issue where the text in the network flyout might change color from white to black when entering credentials if your PC is using dark mode.
We fixed an issue where PowerShell shortcuts pinned to the taskbar could only create one functional window – subsequent windows generated from the pinned icon would not accept input.
We fixed an issue where each newly opened notes in Sticky Notes would flash white and black after a certain number of notes had already been created.
We added a new shortcut to turn on/off Private mode when using the Japanese Input Method Editor. This new keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + P. We also increased the width of the Japanese 12 key keyboard for small devices when in portrait, so as to improve ease of use and fixed an issue where no characters would be input when using this keyboard in a field where Input Method Editors are disabled
We updated the Update & Security, Windows Update and Recovery icons in Settings, to be more reflective of the action
We fixed an issue where the Office apps might not show up in Start’s “Most used” list.
We fixed an issue where saying “Hey Cortana” would launch Cortana behind Windows Ink Workspace.
We fixed an issue resulting in Explorer.exe crashing if you selected “Open Command window here” from File Explorer’s context menu.
Read more at https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2016/06/16/announcing-windows-10-insider-preview-build-14367-for-pc-and-mobile/#fxOLZ7vDwqiEut4X.99
출처 : https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2016/06/16/announcing-windows-10-insider-preview-build-14367-for-pc-and-mobile/