[2016. 9. 29. 02:07]

레드스톤2 인사이드 프리뷰 14936 빌드가 오늘 배포되었습니다.





1. 빌드 14936로 업데이트하는 방법


시작 → 설정 Windows 업데이트 업데이트 확인(업데이트 안뜸ㅠ)
Windows 참가자 프로그램 Insider Preview 빌드 받기 → [수정] MS 계정(live.com, hotmail.com, naver.com 등)으로 로그인

참가자 수준 선택 [초기] Windows 업데이트 업데이트 확인 → 3~8시간 후에 업데이트 뜸(바로 안뜸ㅠ)








2. 한글판


1) ISO 파일 






CLIENTCORE            ← Home 버전

CLIENTEDUCATION   ← Education 버전

CLIENTENTERPRISE   ← Enterprise 버전

CLIENTPRO             ← Pro 버전




2) ESD & ISO 파일 (바이두)


http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHCbyHg       (페이지가 안보이면 새로고침(F5키)해주면 됩니다..)





3. 영문판


1) ISO 파일


14936.1000.160923-1700.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO (4.02 GB)






2) ESD 파일










4. 언어팩






5. 개선 및 해결된 문제들



New Extensions in Microsoft Edge


We’re working with partners on adding new extensions and want our Insiders to try them out first! We have another new release which we need your help testing and giving feedback on before we publish to the general public: Turn Off the Lights is a lightweight and useful add-in designed for a more comfortable video experience. We also need some more help testing our other preview extensions: Tampermonkey is a popular userscript manager that lets users customize the content of pages across the web. Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant is your smart shopping cart across the web, which collects your browsed products and lets you get price alerts for saved products and compare products between sellers. You can install this at the links above and try them out on any Anniversary Update build – send feedback to the Feedback Hub or @MSEdgeDev on Twitter.


Authentication changes affecting connectivity to NAS devices and home file servers


After updating to the latest Insider Preview builds, you may have noticed that shared devices on your home network have disappeared from your home network folder. You may have also noticed your mapped network drives are not available. If you change your network to “private” or “enterprise”, it should start working again. For more information on this behavior change, see this Microsoft Security Bulletin.



Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Updates

WSL will install Ubuntu version 16.04 (Xenial) instead of Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) in an upcoming release. This change will apply to Insiders installing new instances (lxrun.exe /install or first run of bash.exe). Existing instances with Trusty will not be upgraded automatically. Users can upgrade their Trusty image to Xenial using the do-release-upgrade command. Full WSL release notes can be found here.


Other improvements and fixes for PC

  • We fixed the issue causing Narrator to continually speak the progress of a song e.g. update with the current time of the progress bar every second if you navigate to the progress bar while a song is playing in Groove Music.
  • We fixed the issue where using the tab key to navigate the Settings app wouldn’t work.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in Explorer.exe frequently crashing for some Insiders, particularly for those with multiple network switches.

