[2016. 11. 4. 02:35]

레드스톤2 인사이드 프리뷰 14959 빌드가 오늘 배포되었습니다.

오늘은 예상보다 하루 늦게 나왔네요.ㅋ

14961~2정도로 빌를 예상했는데, 조금 아쉽습니다.


저번 빌드와 마찬가지로...  

IE11에 심각한 버그로 인해 사용이 불가할 정도랍니다.ㅠ

설치후 다른 브라우저를 사용하는게 좋을 것 같습니다.


IE11 오류는 [한국어 입력기]가 문제이기 때문에...

한국어 입력기 대체용 프로그램 "날개셋 편집기(http://moogi.new21.org/ngs_download.htm)"를 사용하면 해결된다고 하네요. (미라쥬님께서 제공)



1. 빌드 14959로 업데이트하는 방법


시작 → 설정 Windows 업데이트 업데이트 확인(업데이트 안뜸ㅠ)
Windows 참가자 프로그램 Insider Preview 빌드 받기 → [수정] MS 계정(live.com, hotmail.com, naver.com 등)으로 로그인

참가자 수준 선택 [초기] Windows 업데이트 업데이트 확인 → 3~8시간 후에 업데이트 뜸(바로 안뜸ㅠ)








2. 한글판


1) ISO 파일 





CLIENTCORE            ← Home 버전

CLIENTEDUCATION   ← Education 버전

CLIENTENTERPRISE   ← Enterprise 버전

CLIENTPRO             ← Pro 버전




2) ESD & ISO 파일 (바이두)


http://pan.baidu.com/s/1jHCbyHg       (페이지가 안보이면 새로고침(F5키)해주면 됩니다..)







3. 영문판


1) ISO 파일


2) ESD 파일









4. 언어팩






5. 개선 및 해결된 문제들



Unified Update Platform: This build for Mobile is being published using our new update publishing system called Unified Update Platform (UUP). For more information on UUP – check out this blog post from Bill.


Controlling the Display Scaling of your Virtual Machines (PC):  We’ve heard your feedback that Hyper-V Virtual Machines sometimes aren’t scaled as you’d expect, so we’ve added a new Zoom option in the View menu, where you can override the default scaling and set it to 100, 125, 150 or 200 – whichever matches your preference. Along the way, we also fixed an issue where certain VMs wouldn’t display the remote desktop connection bar after entering full screen mode. We are still refining the experience so there might be some rough edges. For example, although we added zoom levels to handle high DPI more gracefully, when zooming you won’t be able to see the VM’s whole screen without scrolling.



Other improvements and fixes for PC

  • We fixed an issue for Insiders resulting in the automatic brightness setting unexpectedly being turned off after upgrading. In doing so, we’ve re-enabled automatic brightness adjust for users that have never changed their auto-brightness setting. If you have already manually configured your auto-brightness setting, then this fix will not affect you. If you would like to enable or disable automatic brightness adjustment, please go to Settings > System > Display, where you can adjust your preferences.
  • We fixed an issue Insiders on domain connected PCs may have experienced where login might fail when the computer was disconnected from its domain network.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in certain apps, such as Outlook Mail and Calendar, failing to update for some Insiders with the error code 0x800700B7.
  • We fixed an issue for Insiders with certain device models where ejecting an SD card might result in a system crash.
  • We fixed an issue where disliking one of the Spotlight lock screen images would show the new image immediately, followed by a transition animation from the previous image to the new image.
  • We fixed an issue where launching an app from another app while in Tablet mode no longer launched it side by side, and instead launched it fullscreen (for example, when launching a web link from the MSN News app).












